Page Templates


Page Templates are used for organising the repeatable content you will want to display on multiple pages, including Headers and Footers


Page Templates are used to easily and consistently apply the same global content to pages, such as: Headers, Footers, Global Stylesheets and Analytics Tracking Scripts.

Adding Page Templates

You can create a new page template by navigating to CMS / Templates and clicking the blue “+ Add new template” button. New Templates are automatically added to the drop down in Pages once created.

Editing Page Templates

You can edit existing Templates by clicking the edit button next to each, while looking at the list of templates.

An Example Page Template

Page content will be outputted where the liquid tag {{content_for_layout}} is located within your Template.

Here is how a generic Page Template file should be structured:


While editing a Page, you can assign a Template using the Page Template drop down and then clicking Save.

Note: Toolbox functionality will soon be added to the templates section of Admin, allowing you to easily select elements to add to the page.